Cupronickel alloys
Copper-Nickel alloys such as 90/10 and
70/30 are used for heat exchanger tubings for several years. The demand for
high consistency in major modern plants has preferred the service of
cupronickels instead the conventional brass.
In the major significance has been the
development of desalination market. Around 75% of this capacity includes
distillation procedures, multistage flash distillation is very popular.
The plants include heavy duty heat
exchangers and they demand tubing in the large scale. For every meter cube per
day of output needs around 25 kg of tubing, the installed capacity is around
200,000 tonnes.
Besides of tubing applications, a vast
growth in various applications where weldability and fabricability are needed
in addition of resistance to attack. Cupronickel 90/10 offers good weldability and is producible in complex shapes like water boxes and ship hulls. Major increase
has been observed in recent times in the applications where making is included
such as seawater pipes. Large tones of cupronickel 90/10 alloy pipes are
installed in the various plants in the coastal oil industry.
Initially in the Gulf of Mexico practice,
galvanized steel marine units were utilized. They couldn’t offer consistent
performance and in the vigorous service conditions their maintenance expenses
were very intolerable. The cupronickel alloy 90/10 has offered economical and
consistent service. The application of cupronickel has now increased surpassing
North Sea to the areas like Arabian Gulf and Brazil.
Cupronickel 90/10 alloy is also made as
clad plate that carbon steel is cladded with a cupronickel alloy’s layer. It is
used in large magnitudes in the desalination plants for water boxes and pipes
of big diameters and also prevented the corrosion issues that occurred with
coated steel water boxes and pipes.
In the latest times in Italy, an array of
fireboats with hulls made from cupronickel 90/10 alloy steel has been built. These
vessels prevent attack of fouling and corrosion because of copper alloy hull. The
attractive characteristics of cupronickel alloy 90/10, combining with its
fabricability and weldability, confirms that this versatile material is used
widely in marine applications.
Stainless Steel
Issues of pitting and crevice attack have
forced designers to use stainless steel grades in marine water. The benefits of
other characteristics can be received, although the resistance to rapidly
flowing marine water for outstanding service in few applications. The common
use is for pump impellers and shafts. Several pumps use Super Duplex Stainless steel 2507 for these
components and offered the pump is not left standing for prolong periods,
issues with crevice corrosion are nominal.

austenitic steel grades by Nickel Resist cast irons. The alloys containing high nickel content offer supreme corrosion resistance in marine conditions and are usually used for pump casing components like inlet bell mouths, column pipes and discharge heads in big vertical pumps like are used for flowing marine water in MSF and power production units. Various factors apply to valve stems and valve trim offer good resistance to turbulent marine water makes stainless steels captivating.
The rapid use of steel grades in heat
exchanger tubes is noticed. The steel grades are perfect for power plant
condenser tubing and to control pollution of marine water specifically where it
contains hydrogen sulfide- rules the use of cupronickel alloys.
In the desalination plants, large
magnitudes of steel grades are used in applications like vent piping,
distillate trays and transfer troughs, evaporator vessel linings and demisters.
In the latest plants, the whole distillate
system is usually in stainless steel 316 as test has described that this highly
pure water can be attacking to carbon steel. The low oxygen levels in these
plants allow stainless steels are used to handle boiling sea water and brine. These
grades also avoid stress corrosion cracking in the hot conditions.
The advanced use for stainless steels is in
reverse osmosis, a membrane process allows fresh water to be developed from
marine water by pressure. In the RO process, natural aerated marine water is utilized
that means stainless steel 316 experiences crevice attack at the various joints
related with the numerous modules used to fabricate these plants.
The piping material in the plants is being
enhanced to high alloy steels as in the piping system. The major marine markets
include the development of ship tanks for handling chemicals, solvents and
wine, fittings for craft and fasteners.
This method of weld overlaying of crucial
areas with a very resistant material like alloy 625 is commonly used for marine
and offshore applications.
Nickel based alloys like cupronickels,
stainless steels and nickel based alloys have characteristics featured for
marine applications. Advanced needs for high reliability and small life cycle
costs are preferable to result in enhanced used of these alloys in the marine
Nickel alloys are used in pollution
control, nuclear power, solar energy, coal gas plants, gas turbines and in
various phases of industrial production features high temperature service is
allowing the designers to further test the high temperature properties of construction
materials. The latest processes are commercialized and as production capacities
are improved, temperature normally becomes necessary factor in the selection of
The stainless steels are normally selected initially,
depending on the corrosion resistance and on the base of their mechanical
properties. With improvement in the service temperature, high temperature characteristics
quickly become the major concern. The stainless steels are highly versatile in
its potential to meet the requirements of high temperature applications.
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